Monday, May 07, 2007

Following Through

So last night I put my car up for sale. Biking up the big hill to work has been a success thus far, although for two days while sick last week I ended up driving. It certainly won't be convenient just having the family van, which I'll need to leave for the use of my wife and kids generally. On balance, however, I think it'll be much less stressful than worrying about and maintaining 2 vehicles. As a Christian concerned to be a good steward of creation it feels good to put my money where my mouth is (and indeed also in my pocket in this case). Our culture has placed too much of a premium on convenience to the detriment of a myriad of other things, such as community, creativity, the needs of others, stewardship of creation to name only a few.

I have 2 ear infections now (good thing I don't have three, although the stares would probably be more painful than the symptoms!), and the elevation gain could wreak a little havoc during tomorrow's commute. I'd much rather have the economic activity come from within the home and get rid of my daily ride to Corporate America all together. I'm working on it, but for now this is one of the sanest parts of my day.