Thursday, December 07, 2006

**Ching** and bling bling

So it turns out I might need a root canal or some such nonsense for one of my precious, meticulously maintained, beloved teeth. My ear is even sore because of it. Jeepers creepers, I'm sure looking forward to what the tooth man has to say. Just tryin' to stretch it out to next year for insurance reasons. Uphta this puts me in a foul mood, but it sure was nice to see some real comments after my last post. Sort of puts the Christmas cheer back into my rather bulbous head, cool heart, and helps my poor discouraged tooth to accept the encouragement from the happier, better advantaged teeth on the other side of my cavernous mouth with their blinding white facades who have always looked on in leisure while the ones in this neighborhood trudge through the daily chores.

So anyway, I'd love your opinions about Sam's Club. I guess you could even rant about Walmart if you wanted to. We're up for our renewal, which would cost us $40 for the privilege to wander through their characterless warehouse dropping $100 bills as we go. Suffice to say I'm not so excited about the place, but my lovely wife seems to enjoy it. We only go once every couple of months, but I'd rather spend that time having quality time with the family rather than devoting an entire valuable afternoon with the rest of the consumer herd pushing massive carts around chock full of stuff. What are your thoughts? You can come at it from any angle you want ($ savings, time wasted driving to distant big box, workers' rights, the effect on local businesses, other various positive things,...), and I'll respond. I don't want to prejudice your opinions just yet, but the thing that chaps my hide the most is that after spending all that money you don't have any bags or anything to put all your stuff into. So you scrounge for whatever random oddly shaped boxes that used to house chicken livers,..., that may or may not be available. It's like shopping in Haiti! Of course this isn't a life or death type deal either.

Twas a good comment from Goodman tagged onto last post. Didn't know the original translators of Kierkegard were from good old Hovland, and such an interesting paradox that the presence of time-saving devices (by inference) could actually put a brake on one's potential to produce great work, .... I couldn't agree more. I've never read Kierkegard besides a few quotes by golly, and still have a lot of catch up work to do on that life long reading plan.

Well God bless, and don't forget to both brush and floss tonight!


Shawna said...

Personally, I love Sams Club. I enjoy the wide isles, mediocre savings and tasters along the way. Though the consumerism aspect of it can be tiresome, the whole experience is priceless. And the Gas is cheap. The whole box thing at the end is terribly confusing, though.

John said...

All I can say about Sam's Club is..."Ten gallons of mayonaise...WOW!"

That's an old Chris Rock bit.