Sunday, February 04, 2007

Those crazy libs!

This weekend I went to a Living Green conference. Over these last few weeks I have suddenly had an insatiable desire to explore many issues that have typically been paramount in the world of liberals. As a conservative, and a Christian at that, it has always seemed like that was "their" thing. I've always respected my liberal friends, and found them to be interesting, but their issues hadn't gained any traction in my mind or soul.

I now realize that I have intentionally not educated myself on these issues beyond perhaps to argue against them. One case in point is global warming. The evidence is overwhelming that this phenomenon is occurring, accelerating, and is rapidly painting the backdrop of our young century. I'm still on the fence regarding the human role in this, but it does seem likely that we play a major role in this. This has nothing to do with our politics, but what is right and wrong. I urge you to explore this issue in depth in an unbiased fashion, and make up your own mind. Engage the issue as an informed citizen.

My wife and I are also members of the Whole Foods Co-op here. I just can't get enough of this stuff. These really radical liberals make a lot of good points especially with regard to food actually. I find that going green when it comes to food consumption by buying locally whenever possible, organically, and from small family farms, is deeply compatible with true conservatism. We believe in local control, and don't want to be controlled by government or big business. Check out the extremely entertaining short movies at for a good introduction.

I've got much more to say on this, but I'm experiencing a real metamorphosis when it comes to my thinking on many of these issues. It's really a lot of fun, because we should never settle for the status quo. We should embrace being challenged and acknowledge when we've been wrong on various matters. There's still a lifetime ahead. Godspeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you could be a columnist for the Sojourners society (left leaning Christian organization).

The Republican party would be upset with you - they would like you to do your shopping at WalMart and McDonalds.

Great writing - thank you good Sir.