Sunday, March 18, 2007

Winter and Spring Tug-of-War

The last few days have been rather warm. Yesterday it made the low 40's, and the bright sun made it feel even warmer. Therefore, I figured it was time to encourage warm spring thoughts even more. This is my family's first clothesline of our very own. We have been debating where to put it for a couple years now and I finally just walked out there and strung it up, and boy does it feel good. There's something cathartic (not to be confused with catheter - which also brings relief) about taking it slow while hanging your clothes out in the fresh air.

It was 27 degrees when I hung my winter woolies up to dry, and I hope to make this an annual event on the eve of spring. It got up beyond freezing today, but the sun wasn't out quite long enough. A rescue was in order later on as the snow came blowing in for a visit. Anyhow, scroll down to my posting from two weeks ago to see how far we've advanced toward spring. Before you do that though, if you look close you can see my compost pile all tucked in. I can't wait to uncover it for another year in the gardens!

I actually set my favorite woolies out to dry before going to church this morning. This really isn't work for me, and I got so much joy from it. I did feel a bit guilty though sitting in the worship service reflecting on the fact that my new clothesline was seemingly bringing me more joy than worshipping the Lord of the universe. It was a good lesson that simplicity for simplicity's sake is ultimately not fulfilling. We need to simplify in order to quiet our minds, ready our hearts for more peace, and use our hands to labor for things of eternal significance.
Are there any other clothesline afficionados out there? I'd love to hear from you, because as you know we're kind of a rare breed.

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